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Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Benefits of Acidic Water

The Benefits of Acidic Water

The water that your AO Microwater Filter outputs is split into two forms: alkaline and acid. As has been pointed out elsewhere, the alkalinity and the acidity are more a byproduct of an important change that occurs in these two forms of water.

In the 'alkaline' case, it is alkaline because it is loaded with enormous amounts of negatively charged hydroxyl ions. In the acid water case it is highly oxidative water, and therefore, acidic.

In both cases, however, because there are no 'buffer' chemicals such as calcium in the water, they do not behave like lye or, respectively, hydrochloric acid. They will readily dilute on entry to the gastric system. However, in the case of the acid water, there are other benefits we need to be aware of.

The very best astringent water available?

Called by some a free, socially responsible and environmentally friendly technology, a top quality ionizer can produce water with a pH of 2.7 or lower without the need to add salts or chemicals. This gives a j measurement (which measures the oxidation potential) of +1,100 or higher.

This super oxide acid water kills bacteria, viruses and fungi upon contact. Super oxide water has proven successful in the Soviet Union and Asia where it is used in hospitals, medical and dental clinics, on crops, golf courses and in green houses, in food processing areas and restaurants. Super oxide water is environmentally friendly. It has no chemicals, nothing to hurt the soil, and breaks down on contact.

It also:

> Kills fungi and microorganisms
> Sanitizes and disinfects
> Etches and cleans
> Kills bacteria and sanitizes
> Remediates soil

It is effective against:

* Staphylococcus aureus
* Proteus vulgaris
* Salmonella enteritidis
* Blastocistisis hominus
* Vibrio parahaemolyticus
* Pseudomonas aeruginosa
* Pseudomonas flurorescens
* Echerichia coli
* Micrococcus flavus
* Bucillus subtilis
* Alcaligenes facealis
* Enterococcus faecalis
* Klebsiella pneumoniae
* Sarcena Lutea
* Streptococcus faecalis
* Treponema pallidum
* Neisseria gonorrhoeae
* Aerobacter aerogenes
* Aeromonas hydrphila
* Acinetobacter calocoaceticus
* Agrobacterium tumefaciens
* Bacteriodes sp.
* Corynebacterium equi
* Erwinia herbicola
* Flavobacterium sp.
* Haemophilus sp.
* Leuconostoc mesenteroides
* Microccus luteus
* Moraxella bovis
* Mycobacterium ssp.
* Rhodopseudomonas viridis
* Xanthomonas campestris
* Candida albicans

