What is Alkaline Ionized Microwater?
OH- One atom of Oxygen and one atom of hydrogen negatively charged, the Hydroxyl ion. This is the prized Alkaline water that we drink and love.
H+ One atom of Hydrogen. This is the acid water we use externally and for germicidal cleaning.
This splitting of the H2O Molecules happens in a sealed ionization chamber within your filter for ionized water, under exact control of a dedicated microcomputer, to ensure the exact result time after time. As filtered tap water passes across 5 specially designed Titanium-Platinum electrodes, it separates into the two components above.
The pH scale ranges from 0 on the acidic side to 14 on the alkaline, and a solution is neutral if its pH is 7. At pH 7, water contains equal concentrations of H+ and OH- ions. Substances with a pH less than 7 are acidic because they contain a higher concentration of H+ ions. Higher concentration of OH- than H+. The pH scale is a logarithmic scale, so a change of one pH unit implies a tenfold shift in the concentration of hydrogen ions . pH 6 means you are ten times more acid than pH 7. pH 5 means you are a hundred times more acid than pH 7!
The Importance of Balancing pH
Living things, including humans, are extremely sensitive to pH and function best (with certain exceptions, such as different portions of the digestive tract) when solutions are nearly neutral.
Most interior living matter (excluding the cell nucleus) has a pH of about 6.8. Blood plasma and other fluids that surround the cells in the body have a pH of 7.2 to 7.45.
A blood pH of 6.9 can induce coma and death. That is why all bodily systems are secondary in importance to the system of pH balancing. Your body will willingly shut down digestion, alter temperature, rob your bones of calcium, deprive your pancreas, just to maintain adequate fluid buffers of alkalinity to balance the 'acid tide' we inflict upon ourselves through diet and stress.
However your body possesses numerous special mechanisms to aid in stabilizing these fluids so that cells will not be subject to appreciable fluctuations in pH.
Substances which serve as mechanisms to stabilize pH are called buffers. Buffers have the capacity to bond ions and remove them from solution whenever their concentration begins to rise. Conversely, buffers can release ions whenever their concentration begins to fall, thus helping to minimize the fluctuations in pH. This is an important function because many biochemical reactions normally occurring in living organisms either release or use up ions.
Imagine now what a load is taken off your body if its primary safety system of pH balancing can be 'stood down' from a continual 'full alert' because you now have a plentiful supply of alkaline water!
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Sunday, September 13, 2009
What is Alkaline Ionized Microwater?
Posted by alkalinewater at 10:51 PM 0 comments
Acidosis is Eating Us!
Acidosis is Eating Us!
Excerpts from "Alkalize or Die", by Dr. T.A. Baroody, Jr
ACIDOSIS is the basic foundation of all disease. We need to understand the simple process of alkalizing our body and the important role a properly alkalized body plays in restoring and maintaining our overall health. Our glands and organs function properly in exact proportion to the amount of alkaline and acid levels in our system.
The impact of acidosis on your organs:
The heart is one of the most alkaline-dependent organs in the body. It is partly enervated by the vagus nerve which functions best in an alkaline environment. Correct heartbeat is altered by acid wastes. These wastes rob the blood of proper oxygenation and degeneration of the heart follows. An alkaline system creates an ideal heart function.
Digestive difficulties (belching, bloating, sensitivity at the waist, intestinal gas, regurgitation, hiccups, lack or limitation of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, colic in children) may indicate vagus nerve problems and possible hiatus hernia syndrome, which can produce acid residue throughout the system. Hiatus hernia can quickly reduce necessary hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Without proper hydrochloric acid breakdown of foods, the foods become too acidic.
In an adult, about 1 liter of blood per minute passes through the kidneys. By executing their primary duty, the kidneys keep the blood alkaline and extract acid. Kidneys that are over-stressed with too much acidity create kidney stones, which are composed of waste acid cells and mineral salts that have become gummed together in a waste acid substance. Therefore, by reducing acid-forming products from entering the body, the chances are better that you can avoid this painful condition.
The colon must be kept clean of accumulated acid wastes. Poisons collect on the colon walls and in cases of diarrhea or constipation will harden and reabsorb into the bloodstream. Good bowel action (complete elimination) must be done at least 2 times per day.
There are 600-700 lymph glands in the body. Lymph fluid carries nutrition to the cells and removes acid waste products. Lymph fluid flows best in an alkaline environment. When the body is overly acidic, it slows, creating one of the most chronic, long-term, life-threatening situations. Gradually, the lymph dries and begins to form very tiny to very large adhesions throughout the tissues. These adhesions can interfere not only with lymph fluid but with blood flow as well. Hindered lymph flow increases tissue acid storage. Not drinking enough purified water will also slow the lymph. Waste products from foods that are not properly digested are reabsorbed into general circulation via the lymphatic ducts of the small intestine. In addition, bowel movements that do not completely clear the body of its daily poisons are also reabsorbed.
Have you ever been so upset with someone or something that you get an upset stomach? All negative emotions create an acidic environment. Have you ever heard anyone say you are letting your problems "eat away at you" or "get the best of you"?
Fear is the underlining cause of most disease. It will undermine your life and your health. Fear causes anger. Anger causes hate. Hate will consume you with continual suffering. Love and understanding cleanse and heal the body creating an alkaline environment within you.
What Can You Do?
Moderate exercise is alkalizing to the body. Excessive exercise (past the point of exhaustion) can create an acidic problem due to lactic acid buildup. People who are acidic usually feel worse from exercise because their detoxification organs are not working properly due to excessive acid in the tissues. Yet without exercise, acid and toxin buildup are likely. -
As the saying goes - "every step you take, every breath you take ...".
If your environment is polluted with chemicals, dust, smoke, pet dander, mold, micro-organisms, then much of your energy reserve will go just in detoxifying. Today, even in the forest and near the ocean, the amount of negative ions are much lower than they were only a few decades ago. Also, since we sealed buildings to conserve energy and started making our homes and furnishings with synthetic materials, the number of cases of asthma and chronic fatigue have risen dramatically. -
Food combining is key to creating an alkaline environment because when you combine properly you reduce putrefaction in the body creating a more alkaline condition. -
When you purchase supplements you must ask yourself what your goal is and will these supplements actually help alkalize and remove acid from your body. Green drinks are very helpful in filtering out toxins and acidity in the body. -
Eating an alkaline diet is very powerful in making everything else work better. In general, it is important to eat a diet that contains both acidic and alkalizing foods. People vary, but for most, the ideal diet is 75 percent alkalizing and 25 percent acidifying (foods by volume).
Posted by alkalinewater at 10:44 PM 0 comments
The Benefits of Acidic Water
The Benefits of Acidic Water
The water that your AO Microwater Filter outputs is split into two forms: alkaline and acid. As has been pointed out elsewhere, the alkalinity and the acidity are more a byproduct of an important change that occurs in these two forms of water.
In the 'alkaline' case, it is alkaline because it is loaded with enormous amounts of negatively charged hydroxyl ions. In the acid water case it is highly oxidative water, and therefore, acidic.
In both cases, however, because there are no 'buffer' chemicals such as calcium in the water, they do not behave like lye or, respectively, hydrochloric acid. They will readily dilute on entry to the gastric system. However, in the case of the acid water, there are other benefits we need to be aware of.
The very best astringent water available?
Called by some a free, socially responsible and environmentally friendly technology, a top quality ionizer can produce water with a pH of 2.7 or lower without the need to add salts or chemicals. This gives a j measurement (which measures the oxidation potential) of +1,100 or higher.
This super oxide acid water kills bacteria, viruses and fungi upon contact. Super oxide water has proven successful in the Soviet Union and Asia where it is used in hospitals, medical and dental clinics, on crops, golf courses and in green houses, in food processing areas and restaurants. Super oxide water is environmentally friendly. It has no chemicals, nothing to hurt the soil, and breaks down on contact.
It also:
> Kills fungi and microorganisms
> Sanitizes and disinfects
> Etches and cleans
> Kills bacteria and sanitizes
> Remediates soil
It is effective against:
* Staphylococcus aureus
* Proteus vulgaris
* Salmonella enteritidis
* Blastocistisis hominus
* Vibrio parahaemolyticus
* Pseudomonas aeruginosa
* Pseudomonas flurorescens
* Echerichia coli
* Micrococcus flavus
* Bucillus subtilis
* Alcaligenes facealis
* Enterococcus faecalis
* Klebsiella pneumoniae
* Sarcena Lutea
* Streptococcus faecalis
* Treponema pallidum
* Neisseria gonorrhoeae
* Aerobacter aerogenes
* Aeromonas hydrphila
* Acinetobacter calocoaceticus
* Agrobacterium tumefaciens
* Bacteriodes sp.
* Corynebacterium equi
* Erwinia herbicola
* Flavobacterium sp.
* Haemophilus sp.
* Leuconostoc mesenteroides
* Microccus luteus
* Moraxella bovis
* Mycobacterium ssp.
* Rhodopseudomonas viridis
* Xanthomonas campestris
* Candida albicans
Posted by alkalinewater at 10:44 PM 0 comments
Anti-aging and Akaline Diet
Anti-aging and Alkaline Diet
Excerpts from "Reverse Aging" by Sang Whang
In order to learn how to get younger, we must understand the process of anti aging and an alkaline diet.
Handling natural health improvement devices developed in Japan a few years, I have witnessed as well as personally experienced many mysterious phenomenon in the reverse aging effect.
Being a scientist, engineer, and inventor, I have tried to understand and explain the phenomenon scientifically, applying the scientific principles of those non-drug, natural health improvement devices. During the course of the study, I came to a realization of what the human aging process is about. The great news is that, with this new theory, the antiaging process can be explained, and ANYBODY CAN GET YOUNGER IF HE OR SHE SO DESIRES.
The Aging Process
We get old because we are not disposing of all the internally generated wastes and toxins, and accumulate the leftovers within our body.
For our body to function and to maintain body temperature, we burn nutrients within our cells. The main ingredients of all foods, expensive or inexpensive, gourmet or junk, vegetable or meat, alkaline or acid, are either carbohydrates, proteins or fats. And they are nothing but the combinations of four elements: carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen.
After these nutrients are burnt (oxidized) in the cells, they all turn into organic acids: carbonic acids, uric acids, lactic acids, fatty acids, ammonia, etc. Fats are acidic even before oxidation. The Chinese word for oxygen is written with two characters, "sahn-so". They literally mean "acid root".
These acidic wastes and toxins are disposed out of the body in liquid form, as urine or perspiration, after first being dissolved into the blood. Every element within our body was place there by the blood and can come out of there by first being dissolved into the blood and then being carried out. If anyone loses ten pounds by any dietary means, it can be said that most of that ten pounds came out through the urine.
Unfortunately, due to our life styles and environments (i.e., too much ingestion, overwork, over indulgence, not enough rest, staying up late, not enough exercise, inadequate water consumption, smoking, pollution, low alkaline diet etc.) the body cannot get rid of all the acidic waste products that it generates within. We accumulate these left over waste products somewhere within our body. This is the process of getting old.
To make matters worse, mixed with these organic acids are inorganic acid minerals such as chlorine, phosphor, and sulfur that come in with most of our acidic foods: meats, grains and root crops. We don't eat enough of alkaline diet (antiaging) foods such as fruits and vegetables that contain inorganic alkaline minerals: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, etc.
Although the amounts of inorganic minerals are small compared with the organic acid wastes that the body produces, they contribute more towards the acid side. However, one important thing to note is that even if one does not eat any acidic food at all, as long as carbohydrates and proteins are consumed, the body produces much more acidic wastes than the inorganic alkaline minerals can counteract.
We are born with high alkaline blood pH of 7.44. As we get older, the blood pH drops down to 7.35 or below. The blood pH referred to here is the artery blood pH. The difference of 0.09 in pH value seems very small but since pH is logarithmic, the amount of hydroxyl ion (OH-) in 7.44 pH is 1.23 times that of 7.35 pH, because 10=1.2303.
The hydroxyl ion is an oxygen donor while the hydrogen ion (H+) is an oxygen taker. In other words, young people carry 23% more of the oxygen donors in their blood than older people. No wonder they are more energetic.
Uric acid is nearly insoluble in water, alcohol, and ether, but soluble in solutions of alkaline salts. In other words, it becomes soluble in alkaline water. Arthritis and gout are caused by uric acid deposited between the joints, non-dissolved due to the low alkalinity of an older person's blood. Drinking acid free alkaline water will gradually elevate one's blood pH and the gout will disappear naturally. (More about this acid free alkaline water later)
As we live with poor waste disposal systems for a long period of time, some parts of our body build up more acids than others, and they can clog up capillary vessels around those acidic areas. This causes some body organs to function in a sluggish manner. We feel tired and run down sometimes for no reason whatsoever, and adult diseases such as high blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes, asthma, allergies, etc. start to set in WE SIMPLY ACCEPT THESE PHENOMENA AS "GETTING OLD."
Alkaline Diet
In some extreme cases, the build up of acidic elements are so great that it starts to destroy healthy cells around them. Healthy cells must maintain a slightly alkaline pH level. Some cells change their formula in order to survive in an acidic environment. If they are successful, this is the beginning of cancer. Cancer cells are acidic while healthy cells are alkaline. Even if the cancerous tumors are completely removed surgically, as long as the acidic conditions in the area remain, the chances are that new tumors will develop around the same area.
Exactly where the left over waste products are accumulated may very according to every individual. However, the parts of the body where wastes accumulate first may determine what kind of adult disease that individual may develop first. Within one family, the storage places may be similar. This may explain the hereditary effects of certain adult diseases.
The Anti-aging Process
Because the accumulation of waste products inside the body is the aging process, helping the body to get rid of the OLD waste products is the anti-aging process.
This reverse aging process takes two steps. The first step is to develop a good disposal system and the second step is to pull out the old wastes from their hiding places.
Since, as mentioned before, the waste disposal is done in liquid form by urine and perspiration, it is imperative that we drink plenty of water, When one is going through any diet program, doctors tell him to drink 8 glasses of water a day. They know the disposal is through urine, but they don't tell you what kind of water to drink.
Since all waste products are acidic, the best kind of water is acid free alkaline water. Drinking 4 glasses of this alkaline water is much more effective than 8 glasses of regular, bottled water or filtered tap water. There are devices called water ionizers that split alkaline minerals and acid minerals in regular tap water by electrical means.
A quality water ionizer takes in regular tap water which has both acid and alkaline minerals in it and has a typical pH value of 7. The system then releases water with a pH value of 9 or higher with all the alkaline minerals from the original tap water. At the same time it releases acidic water with a pH value of 5 or lower with all the acid minerals in the original tap water.
Since this alkaline water has twice as many alkaline minerals as the original water but NO acid minerals, it is more than twice as potent as the original water. Inside our body, it will neutralize only acidic elements and discharge them safely out of the body. Drinking 8 glasses of regular water can leach out acidic wastes as well as some valuable alkaline minerals such as potassium. That's why doctors test your blood when you are going through a serious diet program. With this alkaline water there is no worry about losing potassium from your system.
Posted by alkalinewater at 10:43 PM 0 comments
The Miracle of PH Balance
The Miracle of pH Balance
Excerpt from Dr. Robert O. YoungFirst, we must understand that cancer is not a sickness or disease but a symptom - or better said the effect of metabolic acids that has built up in the blood and then thrown off into the tissues that has significantly effected the white blood cells ability to remove these acids and the cells they destroy or spoil out of the body through normal elimination pathways. Dr. Young simply suggesting that cancer is not a cell but an acidic liquid that spoils our cells that make up our tissues and organs when those acids are not properly eliminated through urination, perspiration, respiration or defecation.
Posted by alkalinewater at 10:42 PM 0 comments
Importance of water
Water... The Best Solution
Virtually everyone has one or more toxic chemicals lodged in fatty tissue from drinking treated tap water. Water from municipal water supplies contains potentially dangerous levels of chloro- and fluoro-chemicals, lead, fecal bacteria, as well as pesticides and other impurities associated with cancer and metabolic dysfunction.
Your body consists mainly of water (on average about 70%). Your liver, for example, is about 90% water, brain 85%, blood 83% and even the bones 35%.
In a University of Washington study, drinking one glass of water when feeling hungry stopped the hunger pangs in 98% of the dieters surveyed. The main cause of daytime fatigue is simply a lack of water.
Research shows that about 8-10 glasses of water a day may significantly ease back pain and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.
If the average person drank at least 5 glasses of water a day (plain water not mixed) the risk of getting breast cancer is decreased by 79%, colon cancer by 45% and bladder cancer by 50%.
A person's minimal water requirements is half their body weight in ounces. For instance, a 200 pound person should drink at least 100 ounces of water.
Only a 2% drop in the amount of water in your water can bring on mental confusion such as short-term memory loss, being unable to focus and forgetting how to do simple math calculations.
Posted by alkalinewater at 10:41 PM 0 comments
How Microwater is Produced?
How Microwater is Produced?
When tap water arrives at our homes, it will usually have neutral pH ranging around 7.0. It will, however, be robbed of its electrical negative charge and always have a positive ORP (Oxidation Reduction Potential). This means it has no antioxidant abilities and cannot assist your body in the fight against oxygen free radicals. On the contrary, it actually robs you of energy as you drink it.
The measurement of this positive or negative charge is expressed in millivolts (mV), so an ORP reading on our ORP meter of tap water will most likely show around +350 mV. After it has been through AO Microwater filter it will most likely show anything from -150 to -650mv (depending on the amount of soluble minerals in the water and the level of electrolysis on the filter).
The amazing power of AO Microwater filter is the result of the marriage of technology and age-old water principles in the form of computerized individual pH and ORP capabilities. The precision of this onboard computerized measurement cannot be duplicated in systems without electricity.
Filtering Process of AO Microwater Filter
Stage One: Filtering
The first thing AO Microwater Filter does to your input tap water is removing the the mud and rust using 0.9 micron high performance ceramic carbon filter.
Stage Two: Filtering
Then the mud and rust free tap water is filtered using a combination of bacteriological and particulate control, incorporating silver activated charcoal, the most accepted and proven method on the market.
At this stage, the filter has removed the following:
Inorganic Chemicals
Organic Chemicals
Volatile Organic chemicals
It DOESN'T filter out is soluble minerals. It is not like distillers or reverse osmosis devices which remove all the minerals in the water.
Stage Three: Ionizing
Your water now enters the ionization/electrolysis chamber. Here it has a very specific low voltage electric current passed through it, which causes the soluble minerals in it to be attracted to either a positive 'pole' or a negative 'pole' depending on their own electrical charge. When this happens, the water separates into alkaline and acid streams. We drink the alkaline water and we use the acid water externally, for skin, healing, plants and disinfecting.
This function is under the control of the AO Microwater Filter, a solid state onboard computer that determines the exact voltage for each user, chosen by a simple press of a button.
At the same time, the alkaline water undergoes a profound change. From ordinary H20 it becomes OH- . This means it becomes a powerful antioxidant formula at an atomic level. It also means that it changes the way its molecules group together. Instead of large groups of 12 molecules, it gathers in much smaller (about 5 or 6 molecules) groups.
Posted by alkalinewater at 10:39 PM 0 comments
How Soft Drinks Endanger Your Health?
How Soft Drinks Endanger Your Health?
What the experts says...
William Duffy
The doctor speaking in these dialogs is, Dr. McCay, the nutritionist at the Naval Medical Research Institute.
"I was amazed to learn," he testified, "that the beverage contained substantial amounts of phosphoric acid. . . . At the Naval Medical Research Institute, we put human teeth in a cola beverage and found they softened and started to dissolve within a short period. The acidity of cola beverages ... is about the same as vinegar. The sugar content masks the acidity, and children little realize they are drinking this strange mixture of phosphoric acid, sugar, caffeine, coloring, and flavoring matter. "
Greg Critser
Fat Land : How Americans Became the Fattest People in the World
"A joint study by Harvard University and Boston Children's Hospital researchers in February 2001 concluded that such excess liquid calories inhibited the ability of older children to compensate at mealtime, leading to caloric imbalance and, in time, obesity. "
"One extra soft drink a day gave a child a 60 percent greater chance of becoming obese. One could even link specific amounts of soda to specific amounts of weight gain. Each daily drink added .18 points to a child's body mass index (BMI). This, the researchers noted, was regardless of what else they ate or how much they exercised. "Consumption of sugar [high fructose corn syrup]-sweetened drinks," they concluded, "is associated with obesity in children."
Neal Barnard MD
Foods That Cause You to Lose Weight: : The Negative Calorie Effect
"Another advantage of avoiding sodas is that you will avoid the caffeine that is in many of them. Caffeine is a weak diuretic that causes calcium loss via the kidneys."
Dr. Earl Mindell
Earl Mindell's New Vitamin Bible
"Recent research has linked soft drinks with childhood obesity - and an estimated 200 school districts nationwide have contracts with soft drink companies that give them exclusive rights to sell their products in schools."
"Saccharin is a noncaloric petroleum derivative estimated to be three hundred to five hundred times sweeter than sugar. It is used in diet soft drinks. Studies done in the 1970s linked saccharin ingestion to bladder cancer in laboratory animals."
"Children who drink large quantities of diet sodas containing aspartame are particularly vulnerable to its dangerous side effects."
"Aspartame contains methyl or wood alcohol, which can affect fetal brain development."
"Twenty-one percent of the sugar in the American diet comes from soft drinks. That's more than just an unhealthy consumption of empty calories. It is a dangerous overload of caffeine and potentially hazardous, nutrient-depleting additives."
"Soft drinks contain large amounts of phosphorus, which can throw off the body's calcium/phosphorus ratio (twice as much calcium as phosphorus), decreasing calcium as well as reducing your body's ability to use it."
"For anyone over age 40, soft drinks can be especially hazardous because the kidneys are less able to excrete excess phosphorus, causing depletion of vital calcium."
"Heavy soft drink consumption can interfere with your body's metabolization of iron and diminish nerve impulse transmission."
"Cola drinks can interact adversely with antacids, possibly causing constipation, calcium loss, hypertension, nausea, vomiting, headaches, and kidney damage."
"Soft drinks can decrease the antibacterial action of penicillin and ampicillin."
"Diet sodas that are low in calories are high in sodium. Too much salt in the diet may cause more calcium to be excreted in the urine and increase the risk of osteoporosis."
"Excessive consumption of soft drinks, which are high in phosphorus, can also deplete you of calcium and increase your chances of osteoporosis."
Jean Carper
Food: Your Miracle Medicine : How Food Can Prevent and Cure over 100 Symptoms and Problems
"Tests at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine by Roland R. Griffiths, MD, show caffeine withdrawal can strike people who drink a single cup of strongly brewed coffee or drink caffeinated soft drinks everyday. Further, Dr. Griffiths discovered that caffeine-withdrawal symptoms include not only headache, but also fatigue, mild depression, muscle pain and stiffness, flu-like feelings, nausea and vomiting."
"Those consuming at least one cup of a caffeine-containing beverage per day, such as coffee, tea or soft drinks, were more prone to PMS. And the more caffeine they consumed, the more severe their PMS symptoms."
Elson M Haas MD
The Detox Diet: A How-To and When-To Guide for Cleansing the Body
"Phosphorus is found in most foods but soda pops, diet pops contain especially high amounts. The ideal dietary phosphorus-calcium ratio is about 1:1. The ratio in the average American diet is often greater than 2:1 and sometimes even 4:1 or 5:1. At those levels, excess calcium is removed from bone and eliminated, blood levels are reduced, and there is bone demineralization. A diet high in phosphorus and low in calcium has been shown to cause bone loss and increase tissue calcification."
"Tooth loss, periodontal disease, and gingivitis can be problems, especially with a high phosphorus intake, particularly from soft drinks. All kinds of bone problems can occur with prolonged calcium deficiency, which causes a decrease in bone mass. Rickets in children, osteomalacia (decreased bone calcium) in adults, and osteoporosis (porous and fragile bones) can occur when calcium is withdrawn from bones faster than it is deposited. Fractures are more common with osteoporosis and almost eight million yearly in the United States are related to this prevalent nutritional deficiency disease."
"High dietary phosphorus, as is found in a diet with meats, soft drinks, and other convenience foods, can readily affect calcium metabolism. Potential calcium deficiency symptoms may be more likely when the phosphorus intake is very high. A low calcium-to-phosphorus ratio in the diet increases the incidence of hypertension and the risk of colon-rectal cancer."
Barnet Meltzer MD
Food Swings: Make the Life-Changing Connection Between the Foods You Eat and Your Emotional Health and Well-Being
"But soft drinks are far from soft. High in phosphorous and phosphoric acid, they infiltrate bodily fluids and corrode stomach linings, upset the alkaline-acid balance of the kidneys, and eat away at your liver like Hannibal Lecter. Soft drinks also contain hidden caffeine, refined sugar, and artificial chemicals."
Ralph T Golan ND
Optimal Wellness
"Avoid processed foods and cola soft drinks; their phosphates can also cause calcium loss and excretion."
Dr. Gary Null
"Natural Living" radio show.
"A study on the relationship between caffeine and fertility found that just one caffeinated soft drink per day was associated with a reduced monthly chance of conception of 50 percent."
"It should be noted here that soft drinks are the number one source of phosphorus in the American diet today. According to Dr. Steenblock, excess phosphorus is one of the major contributing factors to the development of osteoarthritis."
James A Howenstine M.D.
A Physician's Guide to Natural Health Products That Work
"Soft drinks also contain large quantities of phosphorus, which when excreted pulls calcium out of the bones. Heavy users of soft drinks will have osteoporosis along with their damaged arteries."
Michael Murray ND and Joseph Pizzorno ND
Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Revised Second Edition
"Of the fifty-seven children who had low blood calcium levels, thirty-eight (66.7 percent) drank more than four bottles (12 to 16 ounces per bottle) of soft drinks per week, but only forty-eight (28 percent) of the 171 children with normal serum calcium levels consumed as much soft drink. These results more than support the contention that soft drink consumption leads to lower calcium levels in children. This situation that ultimately leads to poor bone mineralization, which explains the greater risk of broken bones in children who consume soft drinks."
James Duke PhD
The Green Pharmacy : The Ultimate Compendium Of Natural Remedies From The World's Foremost Authority On Healing Herbs
Posted by alkalinewater at 6:03 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 11, 2009
Endoserment from Medical doctors and international experts
The Tao of Detox by Daniel Reid
A device has recently been developed in Japan that produces alkaline ionized, micro clustered water, know in health circles a “microwater” or “restructured water.” It is a small machine about the size of a large dictionary that sits on the kitchen counter and attaches to any faucet. First the water runs through a very fine activated charcoal filter to remove solid particles and microbes. Then it enters a chamber with two titanium plates that are coated with platinum. By the process of electrolysis, all alkaline minerals held in solution in the water are drawn toward one plate, while all the acid elements, such as chlorine, fluoride, and heavy metals, are drawn to the other plate. The acid water drains out an exit tube into the sink for disposal, and the alkaline water is dispensed through a spout for consumption. In Japan, microwater has been successfully used to treat caner, arthritis, immune dysfunction, and many other debilitating conditions, and it is now beginning to catch on in the West.Dr. Theodore Baroody, author of the aptly titled book Alkalize or Die, uses micro clustered water as a therapeutic tool in his clinical practice and says, “It is my opinion that this technology will change the way in which all health are providers and the public approach their health in the coming years.” Microwater has become so popular in Japan that bars and nightclubs now make all their ice and mix all their drinks with alkaline ionized microwater, and Japanese drinker claim that when they mix their whisky with microwater and use microwater ice cubes, they never get hangovers the next morning, regardless how much they drink at night. That is because the negatively charged alkaline microwater neutralizes the acid by-products of alcohol metabolism and flushed them out of the body before they get lodged in the liver, brain, and other tissues.The microwater technology does three things to water:
Alkalize: By eliminating every molecule of acid while retaining all alkaline minerals, the machine alkalizes the water with beneficial minerals. These alkaline elements serve two functions: they neutralize acids and thereby restore proper PH balance to the blood and tissues, and they mineralize the cells with beneficial alkaline minerals in ionized micro Custer form.Ionize: Electrolysis ionizes the water molecules as well as the minerals with an extra electron, giving them a negative charge and turning them into potent antioxidants that scavenge free radicals throughout the body. Negative ions also charge each water molecule with strong antitoxin properties that enable it to neutralize and carry away positively charged toxic molecules in the blood and tissues.
Micro cluster: This technology also breaks the alkaline minerals and the water itself into smaller microclusters. So that they pass more easily and swiftly into the cells and tissues to hydrate, alkalize, mineralize, and detoxify the body. Ordinary water clumps in clusters of about twelve molecules each, while microwater is restructured into clusters of only five to six molecules. Similarly, the alkaline-ionized minerals are reduced into smaller molecular clusters, so that they, too, pass more easily into the ells to remineralize them.
Many good reason support the purchase of one the these units and its use for all of your water requirements at home and at work, including cooking, making coffee and tea, and preparing ice cubes. During a detox of self-detoxification, or they pretend that it is not necessary. To the contrary, purification of polluted blood and tissues is absolutely necessary to preserve health and prolong life, particularly in the hazardous environmental conditions that prevail throughout the world today. Periodic detoxification is the best way to purge the body of both its own natural toxins as well as the unnatural and far more dangerous toxins assimilated from external sources. By taking measures to purify their blood and tissues on a regular basis, people prevent toxemia and protect themselves form its debilitating effects, particularly the acidosis and hypoxia that make tissues vulnerable to cancer. Since acidosis and hypoxia are the primary condition of imbalance that permits germs to breed, tissues to degenerate, an cancer to develop, periodic detox is probably the single most effective preventive measure you can take to protect your life from the entire spectrum of disease and degenerative conditions, Detox is also the best cure for most the these conditions.
The first and foremost strategy in any detox program is to flush acid residues out of the lymphatic system, blood, and other bodily fluids, all of which should be slightly alkaline. Almost all toxins in the body take the form of acids, and these acids must therefore be neutralized and flushed out of the system to restore normal alkaline balance to the blood and other bodily fluids. In TCM, the blood, lymph, bile, and other essential fluids of the body are collectively refereed to as jing-yi (“vital fluids”) , and the condition of a persons jing-yi, particularly the bloodstream, is regards as a primary determining factor in human health and disease.Reverse Aging by Sang whang
Sometimes there are more H+ ions than OH- ions in water. That kind of water is called acid water. Conversely, the water with more OH- ions than H+ ions is called alkaline water. When their number are equal, the water is called neutral water. A very interesting natural law xists n these number of H+ ions and OH- ions. when the water is neutal and the temperature is normal room temperature, the ratio of H+ ions to the totalHuman blood has a pH value ranging from 7.3 to 7.45. The excess OH- ions in the water with a pH value of 7.45 is 2.463x10-7?? (2.818x10-7-0.3548x10-7=2.4632x10-7). The excess OH- ions in the water with a pH value of 7.3 is 1.494x10-7. Blood with a pH value of 7.45 contains 64.9% more excess oxygen than blood with a pH value of 7.3. The pH values of 7.3 and 7.45 seem almost the same, but there is a big difference in the amount of excess oxygen between the two examples of blood. .
Excess oxygen in alkaline water
Ten ounces of water weighs approximately 0.296 kilogram. Since the atomic mass unit of a water molecule is 18 and one atomic mass unit is 1.66 x 10-27kg, one water molecule weighs 29.88x10-27kg. This means that there is approximately 1x1025 number of water molecules in 10 oz water.
Knowing the pH values of different drinks, one can calculate the number of H+ ions and OH- ions in a particular glass of water. The following table compares the pH values and the excess oxygen counts (or oxygen deficiency counts in some cases in different 10 oz drinks.
The effects of drinking different pH liquids for a human body will be discussed later, however, I would like to make one observation from the above. All kinds of soft drinks are very acidic, especially colas. In order to neutralize a glass of cola, it takes about 32 glasses of high pH alkaline water.
A glass of cola ( with a Ph value of 2.5 ) added to 10 gallons of water with a pH value of 74 will lower the pH of 10 gallons of water to 4.6. A human body contains about 10 gallons of slightly alkaline water. Fortunately, drinking a glass of cola does not lower the pH value to 4.6.
Important facts to remember
The important thing to know is that we age because we accumulate acidic waste products. Therefore, if we get rid of these wastes, especially the old ones, we can reverse the aging process. We can even eliminate the symptoms of adult diseases by these processes if no irreversible damage is done already.The problem is that the aging process is slow and our body adapts to it, so that we do not notice the fact that we are getting old. As time goes by, we may notice the slowing down effects of lack of oxygen, but think that we feel great because there is NO PAIN. And we adjust to the slower life style, perfectly content, until such time when the deficiency of oxygen finally manifests itself into major catastrophic diseases. By the time one feels pain caused by the acid accumulation, the damage is severe. Often it is irreversible. One must start the process of reducing acidic wastes before the pain starts.
The Ph Miracle for Weight Loss by Dr.Robert O Young
In this book, I (Rob) Put forth the radical proposition that what matters most is keeping your body alkaline, rather than acidic – and how striking that balance allows your body to let go of unnecessary fat cells forever.Practically speaking, getting to – and keeping – your ideal weight requires eating plenty of high-quality, healthful fats and focusing your food choices around green vegetables. The biggest secret of all is actually in what you drink, and this book reveals how keeping your body sufficiently hydrated with the right water makes all the difference. These are the tenets of The PH Miracle of Weight Loss, which you won’t find anywhere else.
It’s Not the Fats, It’s the Acidity.
When it comes to all the extra weight we are carrying around, we have to understand the cause before we can comprehend the cure. Any program that addresses only the obvious symptom of the problem (excess pounds) will never truly solve the problem. It’s like pulling a weed without getting the root. To this point, the cause of obesity has been misunderstood anyway. We’ve been pulling up roots like Cray, but none of them connected to the actual weeds we’re trying to rid the garden of! Subsequently, not only do we still have weeds, but also the flowers and plants are suffering.Weighing too much is not about fat. We’ve been focused on low fat everything for a couple of decades now, and look where that has gotten us. Nor is it about calories, carbs or cholesterol. Collectively, we’ve tried all that. Too, and still we, as a culture are fatter than we’ve ever been.
That will never change until we grasp what’s really at the heart of the matter: acid. The body retains fat as a protection against the overproduction of acids produces by the typical Western diet. Some of these acids are eliminated through the bowels, urinary tract, and better motivation to make the changes you know you need to make than to get a good, honest look at what exactly is circulating through your body- and no better way to commit to those changes permanently than to see, right before your eyes, what an incredible difference they make.
You Are What You Drink
The human body is 70 percent water. You’ve got roughly 10 to 13 gallons /45 to 50 litres of water in your body. Water makes up 75 percent by volume of your muscles and heart, 83 percent of your brain and kidneys, 86 percent of your lungs, and 95 percent of your eyes, Even 22 percent of your bones is actually water. Most telling of all, your blood is 90 percent water. You are, quite literally, what you drink. If you don’t drink enough – and most Americans don’t – or if you drink the wrong things, you will compromise your body and your health. Your weight will be one obvious sign of that compromise. That’s why I firmly believe the single most important thing you can do to not only be healthy but also to find and stay at your ideal weight is to drink good water – and plenty of it.pH
To be truly healthful, your water must also be alkaline. Pure distilled water ranks an even 7 on the pH scale. Anything above is 7 is alkaline, and so better than acidic water, but to get the full benefits of alkaline water – neutralizing the acids that make you fat – I recommend water that’s at least 9.5 on the pH scale (and as high as 11.5 to 12.5 in cases of serious health conditions, including extreme obesity). Most water today is more acidic than neutral. Image: you’re drinking acidic water, requiring your body to draw down its stores of alkaline substances even more just to neutralize water that by rights should be neutral in the first place – when you could be saving those stores by providing good alkaline water. And don’t be fooled by “pH-balanced” claims like the ones on certain bottled water labels: “Naturally pH balanced at 7.2.” True, that is just the slightest but alkaline, and it is certainly better than acidic water. But to really reap the benefits of alkaline water. That pH just isn’t high enough.Drinking alkaline water washes away acids and wastes, helping your whole body stay alkaline. By providing alkaline water to neutralize and remove acid from the tissues, you’ll stop the body from gleaning alkaline substances from other body parts to do the job – like leeching calcium from your bones. Acidic water could contain toxic metal ions, like lead, cadmium, and mercury, which in excess can cause serious health issues. Conversely, alkaline water may be filled with alkaline minerals your body needs, like calcium, magnesium, and potassium, and in the only form your body can absorb (ionic). And negative microforms won’t be able to thrive in an environment supplied with plenty of alkaline water.
Electron Activity / Energy / Energy Potential
To reach your ideal weight, your water must be energized. Energized water is saturated with electrons, highly charged, and full of potential energy. You already know that alkaline water has a negative charge because of all its electrons, whereas acids are dominated by positively charged protons, and that it is the attraction of electrons to the protons that neutralizes harmful acids. Here I’ll explain the two ways to measure the electron activity, or energy potential, of water: ORP and rH2.The value of ORP (oxidative reduction potential) quantifies the amount of energy in your water (or anything else) by numbering its electrons. It is expressed in millivolts (mV). Make sure your water registers in negative millivolts. To get you to your ideal weight, your water should have an ORP of at least –50mV. (And you don’t want to go beyond –1,250mV, and as you get close to that you only want a small amount of it on any given day. ) That means there will be sufficient electron activity to neutralize excess acids that would otherwise cause your body to gain or hold weight. Most tap water comes in at about +500mV.
Consider rH2 (reduction of hydrogen: sometimes called “redox”) as sort of a backup measure to ORP. RH2 is measured on a scale, just the way pH is. The rH2 scale ranges from 0 to 44, with 22 being neural: the lower the number, the greater the concentration of electrons, With each step, the number of electrons increases by a factor of 10; water with rH2 of 22 has 10 times more electrons than water at 23. An increase of just two places on the scale, then, means 100 times fewer electrons. You want your water to have an rH2 of 22 or less. Unfortunately, most municipalities have, on average, an rH2 of 30 or greater, That’s 100 million fewer electrons than you’re aiming for. Our water is not providing us with the energy we need to be healthy and maintain a healthy weight.
Molecular Structure
The final critical characteristic of water to consider is molecular structure. In most tap and bottled water, H2O molecules tend to cluster together in groups of 10 to 20. Electron activity occurs on the surface of a molecule, and as molecules cluster together, the total surface area decreases, thereby decreasing electron activity. Conversely, the smaller the clusters formed, the higher the electron activity. Furthermore, large clusters of molecules can’t permeate cell membranes very well, and so can’t hydrate the cells from the inside. The smaller the size of the cluster of molecules, the better able the water is to hydrate the cell and the more oxygen it can provide.Your water should have no more than five to six molecules clustered together, Ideally you’d get monomolecular water – each molecule stands as an individual, without clustering.
Micro-ionized water increases the amount of electrons in the water. It creates fully monomolecular water; the only process to do so; thus, no other water can provide as much energy potential or be as easily absorbed by the body and the cells.
Good water
Water that will help you live at your ideal weight, and in general good health, has- No impurities (pesticides or other chemicals, metals like arsenic or lead or other toxins, organism or contaminants including bacteria, yeast, mould and algae. )
- A PH of at least 9.5
- An ORP of –50mV or better
- A maximum of five or six molecules per cluster.
Nature's Cancer-Fighting
Foods-Verne Varona
Taming acidity with alkaline water
It may not be the fountain of youth but a unique water filtration process, backed by forty years of Japanese medicals research and used in many Japanese hospitals is electrifying the medical community.The process of “ionizing” water is the new antioxidant kid on the block. It helps to saturate body cells with more oxygen, fight disease, neutralize toxins, boost energy and improve wound healing.
The Hunza’s are one of the longest-lived races of people in the world. Located in northern Pakistan, Hunza is situated in several high-altitude mountain valleys. While some claim to be 150 years old, many are documented centenarians (over 100), and amazingly still active in society but without the common infirmities we attribute to old age. According to scientists, one key to the Hunza longevity mystery is derived by the water they drink. The mountain water that flows into the Hunza villages comes from surrounding glaciers. Structured hexagonally, this water is filled with minerals solutes and tests as highly alkaline.
In the body, only perspiration, skin and stomach juices are acidic. Virtually all other organ systems and secretions are varying degrees of alkaline. The determinant is extra oxygen.
As is commonly known, water is H2O, a biding union of hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, The water molecule is split into two ionized parts – an H+ ion and an OH- ion. The hydrogen-heavy H+ ion is acidic. The hydroxide OH- ion is alkaline, which means pH values beyond 7 mean more OH- ions) and greater alkalinity), while pH values lower than 7 contain more H+ ions and are considered acidic.
The addition of oxygen serves two important purposes: It makes alkaline water an excellent anti-oxidant that helps to neutralize free-radical cellular annihilator’s and it also enables alkaline to dilute acidic body fluids and re-establish their natural balance.
He Western diet and lifestyle (sugar chemicals, alcohol, excessive protein, stress, etc.) instigates a high level of acidity. ACIDITY CAN ROB YOUR BLOOD AND TISSUE OF OXYGEN, PUTTING A BURDEN ON THE HEART AND LUNGS AS IT DRAINS YOUR STAMINA. However, the real problem is that acidity prevents your body from neutralizing and disposing of harmful, poisonous toxins. This can leave your more susceptible to the cell-damaging free-radical oxidation that leads to cancer. In a newsletter mention regarding alkaline water, Robert Atkins, M.D. explains that , “…in an oxygen-rich environment, tumor cells can’t survive,”
When acid wasted enters the bloodstream, the blood, in order to maintain a necessary narrow pH range, has to store these wasters. If there is too many wasted to handle, they can be deposited in various organ systems or along arterial walls. The breakdown of this waste disposal process is how the aging and disease process is defined.
Alkaline water, having a pH between 9 and 11, can neutralize these stored acidic wastes and help remove them from the body via the eliminative organs. Since the water is ionized, it will not leech out valuable alkaline minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium.
Japanese medical researchers believe that acidic wasted burden and compromise immunity. The process of using electrolysis to electrically split filtered tap water into alkaline and acid water was first developed in Japan during 1950’s and approved for use a medical device by the Health and Rehabilitation Ministry in 1966.
Combined with a moderate alkaline diet, alkalized water can be a great too for an individual’s healing arsenal of therapies.
Current nutritional research links high acidity to numerous mental problems, arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disease, asthma, morning sickness, osteoporosis, indigestion, allergies, as well as the following conditions that are related to caner:NUTRITIONAL ONDITIONS.
An acidic condition hinders antioxidant activity. Free radical oxidation is encouraged in an acid medium.A lowered muscle pH leads to a decrease in muscle permeability, causing nutriests to become blocked from entering cells. Nutritional absorption , from food or supplement sources, becomes compromised.
Cellular APT production decreases. This results n mood, stamina, and energy changes. Fatigue is a common sign of excess acidity.
Excess acid hinders the breakdown of food within the small intestine. This occurs particularly in the ara known as Peyer’s patches, which are linked with longevity and produce lymphocytes to assist the lymph system in maintaining immunity. Excess acid wakens the production of these lymphocytes and negatively affects absorption.The immune system is impaired. An acidic ondition decreases the beneficial bacterial with the intestine. Nutritional absorption of the B vitamin group is diminished.
Fatigue, from failure to remove acid waster within and around the cell, is one of the most common problems from excess acidity.
Alternative Medicine - CANCER by BURTON GOLDBERG.
Microwater – This is a new water filtration system with potential therapeutic benefits, originally developed in Japan. Microwater uses a technology that filters and enhances the quality of water by making the size of water molecules smaller. It is already a $700-million –a –year industry in Japan and is now being introduced in the U.S. The Microwater unit, hooked up to a faucet, use a carbon-activated filter to remove impurities form the water, then it injects a small electrical charge into the water that separates the water into 2 kinds: Flowing out of one tube is an acidic water ( with positive ions ) useful for topical, external uses; out of another tube comes alkaline water ( with negative ions ) for drinking. It makes this separation at the rate of 1 gallon per minute.
The application of the acidic portion of Microwater are numerous and quite surprising. According to the research, and based on early reports from African and South American users, acidic Microwater acts as “super oxidant” to disinfect and sterilize surfaces, skin, wounds, even surgical instrument. It can kill bacterial and viruses, it can promote the healing of acne, eczema, wounds, sore throats, and blisters, and it can improve skin quality. When used on foods, it can retard spoilage or act as a bacterial cleanser for meats; it can be used by dentists to sterilize the mouth during dental procedures, and you can use it as a mouthwash when you brush your teeth.
Regarding the alkaline Microwater, here the smaller size of the water molecules shows its advantage. According to Hidemistu Hayashi, M.D, One of Japan’s foremost Microwater researches, alkaline Microwater can act as powerful antioxidant in the body, destroying harmful free radicals, just as do antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, and E. Although the reports are still, strictly speaking, anecdotal, in those who drank Microwater every day for several months Dr.Hayashi report that he and his colleagues have seen improvements in diabetes, constipation, ulcers, blood pressure, allergies, circulation, migraines, obesity, osteoporosis, and menstrual irregularities. Not surprisingly, the use of Microwater as preventive medicine technology is reportedly expanding in Japanese clinics and hospitals.
One Microwater gets absorbed by the body’s cells, says Dr.Hayashi, it helps to dissolve acidic wasted that have accumulated there over many years and reduce the chronic dehydration common in many people. In effect, thanks to the smaller molecular size, more water is absorbed by the body and more water actually penetrates all the cells and tissues; when the body has more water to work with (and in this case, a more refined form of it), it is better able to deliver nutrients to all the cells tissues, and organs.
The water tastes unusually sooth and soft due to its high concentration of negative ions (typical of pure mountain springs), and so it can be quite refreshing. “We are advancing the theory that the most effective and economical source for an antioxidant is ordinary tap water after it is filtered and treated with Microwater unit, “says Dr. Hayashi.
Posted by alkalinewater at 4:14 PM 0 comments
The Company
Leading brand of alkaline water in Malaysia
AO Synergy Holdings Sdn. Bhd. has successfully grown its network to more than 100 authorized dealers nationwide since its establishment in 2001. It has since successfully promoted its world class standard alkaline water ionizer all over Malaysia through its own network of professional agents.To further deliver the important knowledge about alkaline water to the general public in Malaysia, AO Synergy has secured deals with renowned MLM companies as their OEM supplier. Through series of health seminars and road shows, this network of alliances has greatly created awareness about the danger of acidity in the body and the health benefit of drinking alkaline water to the general public.Through out the years, AO Synergy Holdings Sdn. Bhd. has evolved to become the leading professional in the alkaline water ionizer industry. We are proud to be the most trusted brand for alkaline water in Malaysia and we will work our best to maintain in this positionAbout us
Posted by alkalinewater at 3:42 PM 0 comments
You Must Know This...
Leading Brand of Alkaline Water in Malaysia
You Must Know This...
The Secret Revealed...
This is something inside alkaline water ionizers that you'll never see...
The Electrolysis Plates
3 Plates Baked VS 5 Plates Coated
Only some very thin layer of minerals found on the negative plates (left) after using for more than 3 years.
After using for more than 3 years, the negative plate (left) is oxidized or rusted and thick layers of dirty mineral flakes drop out from the plates when we opened up the electrolysis chamber.
How to Differentiate?
Baked - Dark black in color, has rough surface (because of the Nano-Tech Curves to increase the Total Surface... Uncountable surface area!!!)
Coated - Shiny and smooth surface. It's so... "attractive" that minerals loves to stuck on them forever. The surface is measurable by using this simple formula: Width x Length x Number of Plates, usually measured in cm3)
Please contact us for further explanation about the reason behind all these differences.
Posted by alkalinewater at 2:05 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Contact Us
Detail information concerning the pricing and installation please contact us at alkalinewater100@gmail.com
6012 387 3338
Thank you
Posted by alkalinewater at 3:48 PM 0 comments
- Contact Us
- You Must Know This...
- The Company
- Endoserment from Medical doctors and international...
- How Soft Drinks Endanger Your Health?
- How Microwater is Produced?
- Importance of water
- The Miracle of PH Balance
- Anti-aging and Akaline Diet
- The Benefits of Acidic Water
- Acidosis is Eating Us!
- What is Alkaline Ionized Microwater?