The Miracle of pH Balance
Excerpt from Dr. Robert O. YoungFirst, we must understand that cancer is not a sickness or disease but a symptom - or better said the effect of metabolic acids that has built up in the blood and then thrown off into the tissues that has significantly effected the white blood cells ability to remove these acids and the cells they destroy or spoil out of the body through normal elimination pathways. Dr. Young simply suggesting that cancer is not a cell but an acidic liquid that spoils our cells that make up our tissues and organs when those acids are not properly eliminated through urination, perspiration, respiration or defecation.
When we are dealing with any symptom or an effect we need to look to the cause. To understand the cause is very simple as well as the treatment. The "New Biology" explains the cause and effect of all sickness and disease as well as how to improve the quality and quantity of life without medications, radiation or surgery.
When the body is producing too much of tissue-waste, which is toxic, the blood becomes charged with acids, and this is called acidosis -- poison in the blood then the tissues. What we call disease are actually symptoms or the effects produced by a forced vicarious elimination of acids through the mucous membrane.
When this elimination takes place through the mucous membrane of the nose, it is called a cold -- catarrh of the nose. And where these crises are repeated for years, the mucous membrane thickens and ulcerates, and the bones enlarge, closing the passages. At this stage hay fever or asthma develops. When the throat and tonsils, or any of the respiratory passages, become the seat of the crises of acidity, we have croup, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, etc. When the acids locate in the cranial cavity we have dementia, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, muddle thinking, forgetfulness, and even depression. When the acids locate in the gastrointestinal tract we have IBS, gastrointestinal dysmotility, autonomic dysfunction, carotid stenosis and ischemic colitis. When the acids locate in the pelvic tissue we have micro-calcifications of these acids that lead to tumors and cervical cancer or prostate cancer. What is in the name? All are symptoms of the expulsion of acids from the blood and then tissues at the different points named, and are essentially of the same character and evolving from the one cause -- namely -- systemic acidosis -- a crisis of toxemia.
Dr. Young‘s discovery of the truth of ALL sickness and disease -- that acidosis is the cause of all so-called diseases, came about slowly, step by step, line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little.
"At first, I postulated that yeast and molds must be the general cause of disease. Then I decided that it was not yeast and molds but the body becoming enervated. But wait a minute, enervation is not a disease, disease must be due to metabolic acids. I learned through years of research that localized or systemic acidosis is the true general cause of all disease and must be autogenerated. And if disease is due to autogenerated acids, what is the cause of that autogeneration? The answer is found in understanding the nature of matter and how it organizes and disorganizes. I realized that there must be a physical or emotional disturbance to organized matter before it can begin its disorganization. And when matter begins to disorganize, it gives rise to autogenerated acids. This is true for All matter!"
In a few words, without acidosis there can be no sickness or disease and there can be NO CANCER! It is also true that without acidosis there can be NO PAIN! Therefore pain equals acid and acid equals pain. The waste products of cellular disorganization and metabolism was toxic, and that the only reason why we were not poisoned by it was because it was removed from the human organism as fast as it was produced.
Scientific research is being carried on vigorously in an attempt to find the cause of disease. The conception of disease being that it is individual. Here is where investigators meet their Waterloo. All the so-called diseases are increasing symptom complexes due to repeated crises of Acidosis. They have no independent existence! As soon as acidity is controlled, the symptoms disappear, unless an organ has been forced by innumerable crises to degenerate. Even organic change, when the organ is not destroyed, will come back by correcting the life and getting rid of the true cause -- crisis of latent tissue acidosis!
All symptoms of all so-called diseases have one origin. All diseases are ONE! Unity in all things is Nature's plan. Polytheism is gone, and everything is pertaining to it and coming out of it must go.
So there is only one sickness, one disease, and NOW one treatment. The one sickness and disease is the over-acidification of the blood and tissues due to an inverted way of living, eating, and thinking. The one treatment is to alkalize and energize our body...
In conclusion, the medical world has been looking for a remedy to cure disease or cancer, notwithstanding the obvious fact that nature needs no remedy -- she needs only an opportunity to exercise her own prerogative of self-healing.
Cures! There are NO Cures! The subconscious builds health or disease according to OUR ORDER or OUR CHOICE. If we send impulses of irritation, discontent, unhappiness, complaining, hate, envy, selfishness, greed, lust and the biggest one of all PRIDE, the subconscious builds us in the image of OUR ORDER!
The truth is we need to empower ourselves to effect a reconciliation between our subconscious creator and ourselves. What we need is to learn self-control, respect, poise, and relaxation! And when these impulses are sent over, the sympathetic nerves to our subconscious creator, we will begin to receive images of a more ideal man or woman, until an approach to perfection is attained.
You are the author and builder of tomorrow, and you need not pay a fortuneteller, a doctor, a lawyer, a preacher, a banker to tell you what will happen to you tomorrow. Nothing will happen. The inevitable will come. You will inherit the fruits of today's sowing.
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